The Secret Lives of Socks

Recently, I have noticed a fairly odd phenomenon in my laundry process. You see, since it is flip-flop weather, I have had little need to wear socks. However, occasionally I do slip on a pair to take a jog or to warm up my poor little tootsies. Either way, I have had a few pairs make their way into the laundry heap. I peel them off my worn out feet and toss them into the laundry heap to be dealt with later. Sooner (or later), laundry time comes. I am always quite careful when sorting my laundry to make sure that each pair of socks stays with its partner. I then lug it down to my basement to be washed and dried in regular washing and drying fashion. This is where the phenomenon occurs. Somewhere among the washing, the rinsing and the drying, these poor little pairs get separated. Sadly, their absence is not discovered until it is time for me to put everything away. Then I realize that I have a handful of random socks that have lost their match. Crazy right? Occasionally these wayward fellows can be found still hanging out in the dryer, on the stairs or hiding under the bed.
The question is - How do they get where they go? They all went in the same and came out the same. What really stumps me is how there are some who are never found or who are found later in a completely illogical place. The sad thing is, I am the only one that can reasonably be blamed for this loss. Since I live on my own, there are no longer sisters who will "borrow" a pair - possibly for an indefinite period of time. I am solely responsible for being the leader of the sock hunt through the house, drawers and random clothing that could possibly serve as a potential hiding spot. Trust me, this is something that one can ponder while lying in bed at night. While it doesn't exactly keep me awake, it does keep me entertained to imagine the secret lives of my socks. What can I say? Anyone who lives alone can attest to the fact that you can become very efficient at self entertainment-even by the means of a sock! Well, thats what was on my mind (a realy mind boggler, I know). Well, on to more complicated issues -like how dishes manage to fill the sink even when I don't eat...


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